Jasmine Lullabies Lyrics

Jasmine Lullabies Lyrics

Prostě už pojď spát
Please just go to sleep


Hurry, hurry, go to bed

Cease today’s exploring

Even a cockroach sleeps in bread

Evil dogs are snoring


Soft pillows are calling

Tiredness is sprawling

Your eyelids are falling

Please just go to sleep

(Your) battery is running low

Whole world’s ready for tomorrow

And I am so exhausted

Please just go to sleep



Rush, rush to the other side

Sleepland needs exploring

Take a balloon or a waterslide

Dreams are rarely boring


Soft pillows are calling

Tiredness is sprawling

Your eyelids are falling

Please just go to sleep

(Your) battery is running low

Whole world’s ready for tomorrow

And I am so exhausted

Please just go to sleep


+ prologue:

Close your eyes now and let nice dreams take you away.

But first of all please just go to sleep



Má holčičko, má 
My babygirl why


My babygirl why aren’t you done with the pie

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your bathing


How come you are not ready steady waiting for your bathing



My babygirl why aren’t you undressed and shy

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your washing


How come you are not ready steady waiting for your washing



My babygirl why aren’t you clean and with a smile

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your towel time

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your towel time


My babygirl why aren’t you finished and dry

How come you are not ready steady waiting for pyjama time

How come you are not ready steady waiting for pyjama time


My babygirl why aren’t you dressed by surprise

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your lie down time

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your lie down time


My babygirl why aren’t you yawning with a sigh

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your sleeping


How come you are not ready steady waiting for your sleeping



My babygirl why haven’t you just shut your eyes

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your lullabies

How come you are not ready steady waiting for your lullabies


My babygirl why aren’t you ready to fly

How come you are not ready steady heading for your wonder time

How come you are not ready steady heading for your wonder time



Hají hají
Dream the sweetest of dreams


Dream the sweetest of dreams

My bunch of sun shining beams

Dream sweet dreams

Nothing is just as it seems


I wish you health and force

Discover the wilderness just like a horse

I wish you health and force

And all the best of luck my baby of course


Dream the sweetest of dreams

My bunch of sun shining beams

Dream sweet dreams

Nothing is just as it seems



The only thing to never change

Is my love for you that just knows no range

The only thing will never change

Is loving you and that it knows no range


Dream the sweetest of dreams

My bunch of sun shining beams

Dream sweet dreams

Nothing is just as it seems



Velká tma


Darkness comes to all of us

From afar to all of us

Let’s go to sleep now, let’s go to sleep now

Little stars, our little stars


Darkness came to all of us

It has approached all of us

We’re all asleep now, we’re all asleep now

Like little stars, ou little stars



Dobrou noc
Nighty night


My sweetheart nighty night

My sweetheart nighty night

I will guide you breathing deep

I will guard you in your sleep

Nighty night


My darling nighty night

My darling nighty night

Mommy holds you – feel the swing

Mommy holds you – hear me sing

Nighty night



Hezky si zpíváš
Sweet voice


I love your sweet voice. Singing good night

I love your sweet voice. As much as I might

I love your sweet voice. Making that great choice

Of taking rest and doing what is right


I love your sweet voice. Singing good night

I love your sweet voice. As much as I might

I love your sweet voice. Making that great choice

And giving up without a bedtime fight



Ať je ti dobře
So you feel fine


You are my shining star

Joy of the universe

You’re glaring from afar

I love you so much


Now please just close your eyes

Let dreams slip underneath

Let dreams like butterflies take you away


Now please just close your eyes

Let dreams slip underneath

Let dreams like butterflies take you away


May your friends meet you there

Play with you merrily

May you have lots of fun

And all the toys


And when it’s waking time

You will be sound and strong

Just sleep well, little star. So you feel fine